City Transport in Prague

Basic Information

The Prague city transport is provided by the underground, trams and buses. Each of the three Metro lines (A, B and C) runs on its own track crossing one another at diferent levels in the centre of the town. The change between the lines is made possible through connecting corridors at the stations Můstek (A and B), Muzeum (A and C) and Florenc (B and C). Metro operates from 5 am to midnight and its headway is about 3 minutes during the workday rush hours, about 7 minutes on Saturdays and Sundays and 10 minutes in the evenings.

Trams operate in the centre of the town and in most of the densely populated areas, where the Metro doesn't go. Most of the 26 lines go on working days in 8 to 10 minutes headway, the uniform evening one is 20 minutes. However some of the tram lines operate in certain intervals only. Buses operate on 155 city lines of various traffic extent and at various headways. They serve on the whole Prague territory with the exception of the city centre and they with a few exceptions link up with Metro. Besides, 148 regional and 19 school bus lines operate. The funicular up to the Petřín hill is one of the many Prague objects of interest.

During the night traffic (from midnight to 5 am) only the night lines circulate, mostly in 30 minutes headways. The central change point of the night trams is the tram stop Lazarská, where all the to-and-from trams come together alternately. The night bus lines link up with the tram lines. At the common stops of a number of night lines the possibility of a change is guaranteed as a rule.

For all the lines the Prague Integrated Transport (PID) tariff is valid. This applies also to the regional bus lines and some railway trains. The tickets are available at news stands, at ticket-machines and other places. The passenger is obliged to stamp his ticket in the stamping machine as soon as he enters the car (or as soon as he enters the paid Metro area). For more frequent travels it is advisable to use long-term season tickets. The transport company inspectors check at random, whether the tariff terms are respected. Part of the PID are also the P+R retain parking lots at the city outskirts provided for visitors arriving by their own passenger cars.

The Prague Metro

The A Line
The B Line
The C Line

Trolleybus lines

The Line No. 58
The Line No. 59

The Petřín Funicular

The Petřín funicular was built for the National Anniversary Exposition in 1891, and so was the Letná funicular (running till 1914). At first the Petřín funicular was working on the water overbalance principal, but in 1932 after 18 years of standstill the Prague Electric Company took it over and electrified it. In 1965 an extensive landslip occured and the funicular traffic had to be stopped. In 1985 after a thorough reconstruction the funicular was put into operation again.

The funicular starts from the bottom station Újezd, which is near the tram stop of the same name, passes Nebozízek and goes to the top of the Petřín hill. The funicular operates from 9.00 am to 11.30 pm daily in 15 minutes headway (it goes in 10 minutes headway from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm in summer). In spring and in autumn, however, regular general overhaulings take place during which the funicular doesn't operate. Nowadays the Petřín funicular is out of operation due to repair.

The P+R Retain Parking Lots

The Park and Ride (P+R) parking lots are meant for cars, whose passengers continue their journey by the PID (Prague Integrated Transport) means of transport. They operate every day from 4 am to 1 am and are situated near the underground stations Černý Most (B), Ládví (C), Nádraží Holešovice (C), Nové Butovice (B), Opatov (C), Palmovka (B), Rajská zahrada (B), Skalka (A) and Zličín (B) and near the railway stations Běchovice, Modřany and Radotín.

The parking tickets are available at the ticket-machines at the P+R parking lots only, at 10 CZK (for P+0 zone subscribers and for persons entitled to free transport in the P+0 zones), at 30 CZK with a change return ticket or at 60 CZK with a one-day ticket. The change return ticket is to be stamped at its one end when starting and at its other end when returning; it's valid for 60 minutes from each stamping (after 8 pm, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for 90 minutes), but always till the end of the parking lot working hours only on the day the ticket was bought. The one-day ticket needn't be stamped and is valid till the end of the parking lot operation hours on the day it was bought.

When arriving at the P+R parking lot, the driver buys a parking ticket together with the ticket or a stub. At the ticket-machine it is also possible to buy a two-zones change ticket (at 12 CZK or at 6 CZK for a cutprice one), a short-time single ticket (at 8 CZK, the cutprice one at 4 CZK), a 24-hours ticket for the P+0 zones at 70 CZK. The ticket-machine accepts coins of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 CZK and gives back the change. In case of an electricity failure the parking lot attendant sees to the sale of the parking tickets. It's necessary to place the parking ticket at a spot inside the car visible from without. The driver must leave neither the stub nor things not belonging to the car equipment in the car.

When leaving the parking lot the driver shows to the attendant his valid ticket bought with the parking ticket or his valid season ticket (or a document allowing free transport) together with the stub. If he doesn't do so he is liable to pay a fine of 100 CZK. In case of a stub loss the driver must prove his identity and show the car documents to the attendant. If the driver leaves his car at the parking lot out of the working hours (from 1 to 4 am) he must pay a fine of 100 CZK and the parking lot attendant may have the car towed away at the driver's cost.

The Historical Tram Lines

On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 17th April to November 2021 (except the summer holiday) the historical tram line No. 41 is in operation. Tram cars of the old construction used in Prage till the beginning of the seventies are dispatched there. The basic fare is 50 CZK, the cutprice one 30 CZK (for children up to 15 years). Old trams are used for Prague sight-seeing tours too. It's possible to book them at the telephone number 296 128 902.

41 Planetárium Praha (for getting on only) - Výstaviště Holešovice - Veletržní palác - Strossmayerovo náměstí - Nábřeží kapitána Jaroše (F) - Dlouhá třída - Náměstí Republiky - Masarykovo nádraží - Jindřišská - Václavské náměstí - Vodičkova - Lazarská - Národní třída - Národní divadlo - Újezd - Hellichova - Malostranské náměstí - Malostranská - Královský letohrádek - Pražský hrad - Brusnice - Vozovna Střešovice

During the summer holidays of 2021, the historic tram lines No. 42 (weekly) and No. 43 (on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) are in operation:

42 Dlabačov -> Pohořelec -> Brusnice -> Pražský hrad -> Královský letohrádek -> Malostranská -> Právnická fakulta -> Čechův most -> Dlouhá třída -> Náměstí Republiky -> Masarykovo nádraží -> Jindřišská -> Václavské náměstí -> Vodičkova -> Lazarská -> Národní třída -> Národní divadlo -> Újezd -> Hellichova -> Malostranské náměstí -> Malostranská -> Královský letohrádek -> Pražský hrad -> Brusnice -> Pohořelec -> Dlabačov

43 Planetárium Praha (for getting on only) - Výstaviště Holešovice - Veletržní palác - Strossmayerovo náměstí - Nábřeží kapitána Jaroše (F) - Čechův most (F) - Malostranská (F) - Kamenická (B) - Letenské náměstí (B) - Sparta (B) - Královský letohrádek - Pražský hrad - Brusnice - Vozovna Střešovice

Tariff Terms

The Prague Integrated Transport (PID) tariff terms include a zone- and a time-tariff. The stops in the Prague capital area belong to the P-zone or to the 0-zone (regional bus route sections and some sections of railway tracks on the city territory). The Prague surroundings are divided into tariff zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The system includes the Metro, the trams, buses for city transport, the funicular to the Petřín hill, some railway trains, regional bus lines (301-499) and the P+R retain parking lots.

Single Tickets:

A two-zones change ticket at 12 CZK (cutprice 6 CZK) is valid for 60 minutes from stamping it and can be used for two subsequent zones (for instance P+0 in the Prague city area). If the ticket was stamped between 8 pm and 5 am or on a Saturday or Sunday its validity is extended to 90 minutes.

A short-time ticket at 8 CZK (cutprice 4 CZK) should be used for a no-change journey in two subsequent zones. In the surface traffic it can be used for 15 minutes from the moment it was stamped, in the Metro it may be used for a journey to a distance of four stops and for a time of 30 minutes (changes within the Metro-lines framework are allowed). The short-time ticket mustn't be used for night routes, for the Petřín funicular and in railway trains.

The Free Transport and the Cutprice Fare:

Children up to 6 years and bicycles are transported free of charge, children from 6 to 15 years are entitled to cutprice single fare. Bicycles are transported by Metro only.

Tourist Tickets:

Tourist tickets are valid on the Prague territory only with the exception of railway trains for a given number of days from the moment of stamping. At the ticket-machines and at other places it's possible to get a one-day ticket (at 70 CZK), a three-days ticket (at 200 CZK), a seven-days ticket (at 250 CZK) and a 15-days one (at 280 CZK).

Luggage Transport Fee:

The transport fare is to be paid for luggage larger than 25×45×70 cm, narrow objects longer than 150 cm and of a diameter over 20 cm, boards larger then 100×100×5 cm and empty baby prams. The passenger stamps a 6 CZK ticket for each piece of luggage subject to freight. A dog can be transported at a cutprice fare according to the number of tariff zones.

Information Centres

  • Můstek (B) - the subway below Jungmann square
  • Anděl (B) - the vestibule next to the tram crossing
  • Muzeum (A and C) - the subway at the C line vestibule
  • Ruzyně Airport - the arrival hall of the airport

    The Muzeum information centre is open from Sunday to Saturday between 7 am and 9 pm, the Ruzyně airport information center from Sunday to Saturday between 7 am and 10 pm, the other ones on working days between 7 am and 6 pm. Besides information on line tracks, lock-outs and tariff it's possibe to get timetables of the individual stops (at 3 CZK) there.

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    Last revised on 5th January 2025